General Game Details

Below you will find all the information you need to know in order to play the game of Beyond Ragnarok from an Out-of-character perspective.

Site Arrival & Departure Times

Arrival to site is availabe to players from 12:00 on Friday, or from 15:00 on Thursday if you have bought a Thursday ticket.

Players must be off site on Sunday, by 19:00

Game Times

The game of Beyond Ragnarok will be Time-In between the following times.

  • Friday: 19:00 (Approx) - 02:00
  • Saturday: 10:-00 - 02:00
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 15:00 (approx)

  • GOD Opening Times

    GOD will be open at all times during Time-In and will be able to undertake all game admin tasks as required by players for their skills.

    GOD may operate reduced operations after midnight. If GOD is shut, please knock on the monster room door and wait for someone to come out.

    GOD will also be open for a period of time BEFORE Time-In on the Friday, in order for players to pick up there player-pack before the game starts.

    All opening times will be posted outside the GOD room.

    Character Packs

    Character Cards

    You will be issued a character card from the Games Organisation Desk (GOD) when you create a character.

    You will only be issued with a replacement if you have bought new skills between events, or if you have lost your card.

    Character Resources

    As standard, each character will get a number of Runes per event. This number will fluxuate depending on in game politics and plot.

    These runes will be a random pick and may contain Quartz, Hematite or Obsidian, with any of the 24 runic symbols upon them.

    You will also get any runes owed to you from taking the Extra Runes skill.

    NOTE: If your character has Status 3 or above, you will get your Runes for this at GOD as well, when you pick up your pack. If you are awarded a Status during an event, your command team will inform you when you are next able to pick up Runes for that particular Status. 

    Weapons & Armour Checking

    Beyond Ragnarok refs will be trained checkers. All weapons and armour will be checked during the course of the event for safety in line with our Weapons & Armour Guide.

    All players are expected to present their weapons and armour for checking when requested, and abide by the ref's ruling.

    Player Groups

    If players wish to come in as a group using one of the concepts from within their home realm culture, there will be space upon the Character Booking Form (coming soon) to identify which group you are a part of. We ask all who are part of s group to state that this, as this information is useful for a variety of admin reasons; including the provision of IC camping as outlined in the next section.

    All groups must have an Out-of-character group contact, who will act as point of contact for that group.

    Player Camping

    Players will be both able to camp Out-of-character, and In-character.


    Players will be able to camp outside of the game area, which will not be subject to the rules of the game; you cannot be attacked, tents cannot be entered, and items cannot be stolen.

    To camp OC you must do so within the area on site designated for OC camping. This will be detailed on the site map, which will be available on the Site Information page.


    Players will be able to camp in their Realm's camp dependent on available space, with both group tents and sleeping tents.

    To camp IC you CANNOT have a nylon or polyester tent. You can ONLY have canvas tents within the IC camping area.

    Tents for IC camps must be booked in advance using the Tent Booking Form. Group tents will be prioritised over sleeping tents, though all effort will be made to accommodate what is asked for. We ask that sleeping tents are shared between as many people as is comfortably possible, so that more individuals may take advantage of this if they wish to. If booking for a group, all tents for that group must be booked at the same time.

    Where possible we will let groups know before the event if their tent space request is too large, though there may be instances where changes in the game or environment affect the space available whilst already on site. We ask that all comply if you are asked to reduce the number of tents for the IC area.