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According to the Absolutionists, the world Beyond The Ice Wall is evil and wholley abandoned by God. Those who live there are courrpted and must seek absolution in order to be welcomed back within the safety of the Wall.   They claim that the strangeness of the Beyond is the result of the Devil and other forces of Hell attempting to make its way up and over the Ice Wall.

Mythology & Lore

When God rose the Ice Wall, he did so to give his chosen people a place to live, safe and separated from the impure. This place is referred to as the Holy World.

Divine Origins

Absolutionism is believed to have originated sometime in 11th century Escavalon


Because Absolutionists believe that God is not present Beyond the Ice Wall, they do not worship Him in any direct capacity. Prayer and worship is directed towards the priests of Absolutionism, in attempt to appeal to the part of God that exists in them.


Priesthood is limited to those who were born within the Ice Wall, under the belief that there is still a part of God within them. In rare cases, those who were extensively trained under an innerworld priest can be allowed priesthood


The Crusaders of Cai (Caiism) is a sect of Absolutionism that believes that they will never be 'welcomed' into the Holy World, and that rather the only way to enter is through force. Unlike the other sects, priests do not have to be born within the Ice Wall, and will often lead mass expeditions to the Ice Wall in attempt to cross.   Caiism originated in, and is found the most in Celliwig.   Mathamism is a sect of Absolutionism that asserts that objects taken from the Holy World also contain a part of god. Mathamists focus their worship and prayer onto these objects, and often build churches for the more notable ones.   Mathamism is the result of Camelot's converting the Treasure Island natives to Absolutionism, inadvertently combining it with Treasure Island Spirutualism


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