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Albino Penguin

The Albino penguins are a species of penguin known to stand on average six-feet tall, making them the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species. They are found in highest quantity at The Slush Pits, but are known to also live on the top and south side of The Ice Wall, as well as the Northern Cold Islands of Avalon.

Basic Information


Albino penguins have almost no pigmentation in their skin or feathers, and are completely white save for their beak. This can act as camoflauge.   They have prehensile tongues that help them interact with the world.

Ecology and Habitats

Albino penguins live in heated caves found at the sea floor, and leave only to hunt or find a mate.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyes have also atrophied to useless slits, and are mostly blind.
Scientific Name
Aptenodytes miskatonensis
Average Height
6 feet tall
Geographic Distribution


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