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Ambrosia is an Atlantian plant known for it's hallucinogenic properties. Consumption plunges the user into a trance which greatly increases strength, making unsupervised trips very dangerous   More than one dose in a lengthy period of time is known to cause muscle deterioration and internal rot   Common hallucinations at high doses include percieving roots growing underneath your skin, which may result in violent scratching   Deaths at the hand of ambrosia use is usually a result of heart explosion

Additional Information


Ambrosia is often grown in large, often illegal, farms.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The seeds contain the majority of the hallucinogen, and are usually crushed into a powder and snorted to get the high   However, if prepared correctly, ambrosia can be a nutritious vegetable

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainland Atlantis is prime growing grounds for Ambrosia
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution


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