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Atlanteans are people who originate from Atlantis and the surrounding body of water.  

Physical Characteristics

Atlanteans tower over most humans, and easily grow over 6 feet. They are also distinguished by their teal-blue skin and small fins on their extremities. Their strong leg muscles and webbed feet make them excellent swimmers compared to other humans. They also have gills in addition to their lungs, which allow them to breathe both on land and in water, although their build makes travel on land awkward and uncomfortable.  

Poseidon's Gift

All Atlanteans have an ability known as Ali'niktera, or Posiedon's Gift, that gives them limited control over water, which greatly aids them in their swimming. A wielder of Posiedon's Gift can generally only move the water around themself, and usually cannot lift water into the air. The potency of the ability improves as the Atlantean ages up until the peak of their life, after which the potency gradually declines. Poseidon's Gift can be strengthen through rigorous training and practice. Specialized soldiers known as Tidecallers hone their skills to the point of utilizing them in combat.


Shared customary codes and values

Atlanteans are very nationalistic, and put a lot of emphasis towards preserving the glory of the Atlantean Kingdom
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