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The term "minotaur" generally refers to direct descendants of Asterion, son of King Minos and Sorceress Pasiphaë, but can also refer to any human with bull-like features developed from strangeness.   Most minotaurs are known to possess an ability usually refered to as Labyrinthine Recall, inherited from Asterion, that allows one to near perfectly recall any path they have taken, no matter how vast. This makes minotaurs excellent travellers and cartographers, and many ships hire them as navigators.   Minotaurs originate from and are most common in Atlantis, but their desire to travel brings them all over the Expanse.


Culture and cultural heritage

A Minotaur that is hired as a ship's navigator is referred to as a Boithas (BOY-thaws). In minotaur culture, it is considered to be a great honor to be a Boithas, and mapping out new parts of the Boundless Expanse is highly revered.

Shared customary codes and values

Freedom is highly revered among Minotaurs, and as such they rarely remain in the same place for too long. Exploring the Boundless Expanse and pushing beyond the limits of the explored world is something young Minotaurs often dream of.

Foods & Cuisine

Most minotaurs get by on a pescatarian diet, although eating land meat isn't unheard of or frowned upon.   An exception to this is that beef is often consumed on one's birthday. The beef is often harvested from a cow that is the same relative age as the person whose birthday is being celebrated

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

It is common for minotaurs to color their horns with chalk as a form of celebration or self-expression. When travelling, they will often color their horns to match the flag or banner of the reigion they visit.

Common Taboos

The world within the Ice Wall is considered taboo, due to it being sequestered from the rest of the Expanse and restrictive to the minotaurs' ideal of freedom. Innerworlders who travel to the Beyond are looked down upon, but never to the point of disrespect. Travelling into the Ice Wall from the Beyond is one of the most disgraceful things an Outerworlder can do, and warrants disownment or worse.   Cannibalism is a highly sensitive subject, even when referenced in whispers, due to the legends of their progenitor having an insatiable desire for human flesh.

Common Myths and Legends

Minotaur children are often told (usually fabricated) stories about the horrors that take place within the Ice Wall, to discourage travelling there. Much of these stories involve minotaurs getting kidnapped and consumed by the Innerworlders.


Beauty Ideals

Minotaurs pride themselves on keeping their fur well-groomed, and messy fur is a sign of being barbaric or uncivilized

Gender Ideals

There is very little sexual dimorphism among minotaurs, and as such gender plays little role in their society. A birth mother will usually nurse a newly born child for 6 months to a year after their birth, after which the parents will take turns caring for and teaching the child until it is ready for schooling

Relationship Ideals

Homosexuality and polyarmory is common among minotaurs. Relationships don't need to have basis of romantic attraction, and ones formed from platonic or sexual attraction alone isn't unheard of.   It is considered unusual for minotaurs to live together in a stationary house if they aren't either in a relationship or blood-related.
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