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An apex predator

Basic Information


The Yawie has swimming flaps running along its body, large compoint eyes, and a single pair of segmented frontal appendages, which it uses to grasp prey.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages

Reaches maturity after 2 years at around 1.25 feet, the Yawie is not known to die of old age, and continously grows as it ages. Specimens have been observed to grow as long as 200 feet.

Ecology and Habitats

Can thrive anywhere with deep water. Can survive in more shallow water, but growth will be stunted.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hypervarnivorious, an active hunter.


Known to have a crepuscular sleeping pattern, and hunts during dawn and dusk. They prefer to stay deep under water, hunting in darkness, but larger specimens have been known to breach to the surface to attack water-surface dwelling lifeforms and even ships, which it confuses for prey

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary hunters. Not particularly territorial, and will often avoid other yawie outside of mating season


Some people have attempted to raise yawie from birth, but these people have invariably died to either the yawie, or their own stupidity.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Yawie eggs are considered a delicacy in some places. It's swimming flaps are often harvested and fastioned into oars. The frontal appendages of larger slain yawie are often formed into armor, and wearing this armor is a sign of great honor in Avalon.

Facial characteristics

cutie patotie

Average Intelligence

Not very bright

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Powerful night vision, and a strong sense of touch which is able to detect movement in water

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Barnacles like to suckle on them sometimes.
Scientific Name
Anomalocaris canadensis
Cambrian Explosion
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most commonly found in a red-orange color, but shades of blue, green, and black are not unheard of


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