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Basic Gameplay Rules


Players take the role of player characters or PCs. Each player character belongs to a race, and if they survive to first level, they will specialize into a class - if they meet the prerequisite requirements. A group of PCs is a party, and they may interact with or keep non-player characters (NPCs) as retainers.  

Ability Scores

PCs have six abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each ability is listed on the character sheet by its score (total value) and Ability Modifiers (the bonus gained on checks). These values are important, as they define certain limits and serve as requirements for other features and options. Ability scores are rolled and the method of doing so depends on which race you pick as a PC. Some attacks and magic can directly damage PCs ability scores and they will immediately die if their abilities reach a score of 0 or below.  

Hit Points

PCs have a pool of hit points (HP) which is determined by the combination of their race and Constitution modifier and later their class, and may be additionally expended by magical effects or archetype feats. These hit points represent a PC’s physical well-being and morale, and when they are fully depleted your character can no longer fight and may die. More information on death and dying, as well as how to recover lost hit points can be found in Gameplay Rules.   HIT POINTS: race + Constitution Modifier + class + feat (if applicable)  

Character levels and leveling up

The world is a dangerous place, and only those that are stalwart and daring enough to survive will earn the right to gain character levels. Therefore, new PCs will start out at level 0 at the start of the story. Untrained NPCs are likewise considered to be 0 level, though skilled and specialized NPCs may be level 1 or higher. By achieving goals, vanquishing foes, braving perils, and creating a legend for themselves, PCs collect experience points (Exp). Every 10 Exp the PCs collect will allow them to advance to the next level, unlocking new features, such as the ability to pick a class at first level and a class archetype at second level. The maximum level a player character can achieve is level 5… though some monstrous beings are rumored to be even stronger!  

The Character Sheet

Players keep track of their abilities, arms and armor, gear and other sundries, an overview of their morality, proficiencies as well as the current state of their PC. A downloadable version of the current character sheet is available.  


Even the most valiant of heroes must eat, drink, rest and take shelter from time to time. When PCs are sleepless, thirsty, hungry or freezing they cannot take a comfortable rest. When you cannot rest comfortably, your options for recovering lost hit points or abilities are much more limited.  


Each race is special in its own way and comes with its own feat. After this initial racial feat, subsequent feats are chosen when a PC advances in level. Usually, this occurs at levels 2 and 4, when they specialize into a class archetype and when they further hone their archetype aptitude. Additional feats may be awarded to players when they perform legendary actions or as a reward at the end of an epic quest, and there may be masters to teach ancient secrets to PCs.  


Not every PC is a noble hero, protector of the downtrodden and damsels in distress. Many of the more dastardly and selfish types are drawn to the life of an adventurer. Certain features and options may become available or instead impossible as PCs progress on the illuminated and charitable benevolent path… or descend into the depths of human corruption and dishonor. For example, a morality score of at least +1 is required to unlock the archetype of the Paladin, and you cannot become a Warlock or Assassin if you do not have at least -1. NPCs of a contrasting moral disposition might find it difficult to reason and interact with you, and fame or infamy might precede particularly moral or immoral PCs, especially as word of their deeds travel.  


When PCs choose a race, a class and later a class archetype (specialization), part of their training makes them especially proficient in certain activities. These proficiencies are listed on the character sheet, and players get to roll additional dice when performing actions in which they are proficient. Which dice is/are rolled depends on the level of proficiency.   CHECKS: 1d20 + appropriate ability modifier + proficiency bonus dice (if applicable)

Articles under Basic Gameplay Rules


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