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Fate Tokens

Fate Token System

During Character Creation

During character creation, each player is handed three Fate Tokens. These symbolize collaborative storytelling and player agency. The player can spend one of these fate tokens at any point during character creation to reroll one of their dice rolls, such as for a specific ability or for the profession the GM has rolled for them.  

After Character Creation

It is possible that the player did not spend (all of) their Fate Tokens during the character creation process. If this is the case, the players hold on to the tokens, and they are free to use them to interject at any point in the campaign afterwards and make an attempt to alter fate to their hands. Examples of this include but are not limited to: rerolling any check or weapon damage, rerolling to find a specific (magic) item in a dungeon, rerolling for stabilization if they go down in a fight, rerolling the damage that a monster deals to them or another party member, rerolling a random event or even the weather on a particular day. Players are free and encouraged to come up with creative uses for their tokens.  

Spending Fate Tokens on behalf of other players

Altruism in good faith is encouraged.   

Obtaining additional Fate Tokens

An additional Fate Token is rewarded to players whenever they advance in level. Fate Tokens can additionally be gained as rare and powerful rewards for completing near-impossible challenges.   


Players are free to hold on to their Fate Tokens for as long as they wish, though there is a hard limit of 10 Fate Tokens that they can ever hold at a time.


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