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Parts of the Day

Subdivision of the day

Exact time keeping is difficult and for most lay-folk, unnecessary. Knowing how far into the light part of the day you are, when it will be your midday meal, and how long you have until the sun has set is sufficient knowledge. However, a general consensus is to subdivide each day into both day and night (light and dark), as well as more specifically into four Parts of the Day: morning, midday, evening and night.


Morning lasts from sunrise to the midway point between sunrise and when the sun is at its zenith.


Midday lasts from the end of the morning to the midway point between when the sun is at its zenith and sunset.


Evening lasts from the end of midday to sunset.


Night lasts from sunset to sunrise.

Exact Timekeeping

Knowing these exact midway points is hard to do out in the field, but making a close approximation is not that hard. In towns and villages, many temple buildings also function as a timekeeping device, where bells are rung, gongs echo or a caller announces these moments with more accuracy.


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