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Session 2

General Summary

Based on word of mouth
  • The adventurers Ash, Hyacinth and Rava Copperpot departed from Sundown on the 7th day of the 5th moon. Their destination: Faldor's Holdfast, in order to Report to Faldor
  • Rava had learned that her sister, Tilda Copperpot, had not been seen since she departed in the company of other travelers, a halfmoon prior.
  • By the 9th day, they discovered that the bridge to Last Light had been swept out. They were forced to take an alternative route, and decided to try for the Whisperwood.
  • Here, they eventually encountered the badly mangled remains of a hunter, an ominous statue amidst the fens and eventually stumbled upon the dwelling of an elf druid.
  • After aiding the druid in disrupting a mysterious and evil ritual at a long-abandoned burial site - involving fighting off an army of raised dead and the dreaded wolf Scourge - she graciously aided them in their journey to Last Light.
  • A magical seal barring entry from the underground crypts was opened in the skirmish; it is unknown what mysterious lie within the umbral depths.

Rewards Granted

Adventure gear
7 copper pieces
Rusty key (found in Whisperwood statue)
Spectral Longsword
Possible sister whereabouts (information)

Missions/Quests Completed

1 XP (breaking a curse, defeating Scourge the wolf)

Character(s) interacted with

Druidess Eirlys 
Elf druid

Adventure start date
7th day of the 5th moon, 724 A.C.
Adventure end date
10th day of the 5th moon, 724 A.C.
Report Date
09 May 2024
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