Command Decks of the Sovereign Venture in Beyond The Rift | World Anvil

Command Decks of the Sovereign Venture


The bridge of the Sovereign Venture is constructed in an eclectic mix between efficiency and antiquity, both fighting for prominence.

On one hand the bridge could easily be mistaken for a massive basilicum venerating the Emperor as Omnissiah. Nearly every inch of it being covered in baroque Gothic decoration. Statues to various Imperial Saints line massive support columns.  Higher up in its cavernous ceiling there are clerestories with stained glass celebrating scenes of the Imperial victories, many of which where the Sovereign Venture was involved. These glass windows are not true windows, for such a thing would be a great structural deficiency. Instead, servitors stand vigil behind them with sconces burning with blessed promethium flames.

On the other hand a great many of these decorations hide advanced circuitry projecting strategic data in grand hololithic displays in the space above, far over the heads of lesser officers and servitors wired into pews located in sunken areas scattered across the main floor. 

Overseeing these projections is the massive command spire. At the top of this spire a great Throne stands, from where the Captain can oversee all in his domain. The throne also serves as a manifold from where he can access the uncountable datastreams passing through his ship. Around the Captain's throne a grand 2-level balcony looms away from the tower. On the upper level, close to their Liege, the stations for the Senior Command staff are found. On the lower level are those officers whom the Captain most often addresses directly; including but not limited to the Helm. Suspended under this balcony hang banners declaring various allies, loyalties, and honors.


Officer Quarters

Captain's Palatial Suite

Senior Command Quarters

Ship Archives

Trophy Halls

Grand Temple To The Most Venerable God-Emperor Of Mankind

Where do we find the God-Emperor?
It is not in our prayer.
It is not in our song.
It is not in our suffering.
It is not in our endurance.

We do not find Him here, because faith is not a transaction! You do not barter with the infinite!
Then where, you might wonder, do we find our God-Emperor?

When you stand in the deepest pit of despair. When you find yourself alone; Without Hope; Without Help; Beyond Rescue; Beyond Reward;
When, even then, you can tell right from wrong.
When, even then, you feel the humming in your blood.
When, even then, you still look evil in the eye and decree: "NO! This far, but no further."

Whose Voice is it you will hear in that darkness? Whose Guidance keeps you to the path? It is when we stand defiant in the face of darkness and evil that we can feel the God-Emperor in our hearts.
The God-Emperor will not reach down to save you, but you may rise up to meet Him.

  ~Inscriptions upon the Threshold into the Grand Temple To The Most Venerable God-Emperor Of Mankind aboard the Sovereign Venture


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