The Reign Of Blood

The Reign of Blood has been a legend in the Ilyxis Sector since its inception. The earliest explorers and colonists had their astropaths rave about a presence in the Warp that called out for blood. Navigators reported spotting the looming bulk of a vessel that could only be a space hulk during some of their travels.   Despite prophetic visions of doom and its undeniable aura of dread whenever it passed through a place whilst the veil between worlds grew thin, no records exist of it ever appearing in realspace. With the The Cicatrix Maledictum  dispelling any illusion of safety from the warp, ejecting daemonic detritus on a regular basis, many Imperial Forces fear that the time is nigh for the Reign of Blood to finally reveal itself. If it does, it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The sector possesses no surplus strength to throw at a threat such as a hulk, nor could any of the beleaguered worlds hope to survive an invasion of whatever daemon or xenos roosts inside its warp-tainted halls.


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