Alex King Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Alex King

Alex King

Alex King is a veteran fighter and head of the R&D division at Yajima Trading. Working with his company's rival Mor Materia he helps manage the new features for GBN. Working also as a Navigator in-game he helps new players discover the fun of GBN and find their place in this vast game.   Alex is very easy going and lighthearted. He can be very sarcastic at times but has always been genuine about who he is and what he stands for. Having been through much since his introduction into Gunpla Battle 16 years ago he's matured a lot since his debut. His friendliness and willingness to help others has only increased with GBN now that more people can be exposed to Gunpla battle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alex is a tall man with dark brown hair, his resting face always throws off those who don’t know him personally. In GBN he wears the uniform of Titans officer Buran Blutarch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After graduating from the Gunpla Academy in London Alex got a job with Yajima Trading as apart of their R&D division. Meeting many new people along the way he ended up becoming wrapped up in the plans of those both new and old who started up Neo Nemesis. Neo Nemesis under the guise of the Battle Du Solei set up their plan to activate the limiter, which would bring gunpla battle back to its roots, locking out the new age of Plavsky use in Gunpla Battle. After battling alongside like-minded allies against the head of Mor Materia Samuel and his former friend/classmate Alicia Sparrow they took out the limiter which led to a resurgence of interest in Gunpla Battle. However, after the incident at Nielsen labs, the head of Yajima Trading Nils Nielson decided to look into alternatives to plavsky particles which lead him to VR. After the establishment of the GBN with the help of Mor Materia Alex has since become a Navigator while also taking over as the head of the R&D division at Yajima.


Contacts & Relations

Ezekiel McDaniel

One of Alex's oldest rivals and friends from his days at the Academy. Initially becoming acquainted with each other through battling together the two have fought together many important battles together. For him Ezekiel is one of his greatest opponents, being able to predict movements through Plavsky particles made him tougher than most in a fight. Alex credits him for being part of the reason his skill in the Gunpla battle improved vastly during their time at the Academy.  

Samuel Morante

Head of Mor Materia and someone that has a rough past with Alex. Being one of the key figures in helping Neo Nemesis attain and activate the limiter he was long considered to be less of a rival and more of an enemy to Alex. However over the years with Yajima and Mor Materia working more closely together the two have repaired their relationship and now Alex sees him as somewhat of a rival.
1.88 m
Aligned Organization
Gunpla Test Team   First Appearance
In Hub City...

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