Andy Loveless Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Andy Loveless

Andy Loveless

Is an easy going diver who is honest with his feelings. Never one to sit on the sidelines he often finds himself in difficult situations.   He has an easy-going personality and a bright disposition, along with a frank and direct attitude. He is a type that has a righteous fury that flares up in things that he doesn't like or thinks is wrong, it gets him into difficult situations a lot of the time. At his current time in divers, he sometimes works with a vigilante group that tracks down and destroys Mass Divers while wearing a Haro mask. In this disguise, he simply goes by the name "Captain." Why? Well isn't wearing a disguise and fighting bad guys really cool? Andy thinks so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

15 years ago Andy arrived from another world through a random chance after coming upon a Plavsky crystal in his world. He hated his original world and family so after landing in the world of Build Fighters, he did exactly that. He built, and he fought. He had laughs, adventures, made friends, made rivals, and even made enemies


Contacts & Relations

Kiyomi "Lufia" McDaniel

Andy and Kiyomi have been long time friends since his arrival. They joined the Gunpla Academy together and sparred many times.
182 cm
Owned Vehicles
Iron Suplex   First Appearance
In Hub City...

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