Astra Von Aria Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Astra Von Aria

A student who recently joined the Gunpla Academy with the intention of learning how to improve their current style of building, bringing with them a straight-built Black Rider and GM Ground Type, and an unfinished GunEZ based on the Victory Gundam.    An avid fan of the 00 series, and of mass production types in general. She's a quiet type, but if she hears someone talking about 00 or mass production machines, she'd try her best to enter the conversation. She prefers to handle fights from long range, thus favoring MS with a focus on long-ranged weaponry, but dislikes Mobile Armors due to the I-Fields most carry and a reminder of her loss to one. Previously she had lost a battle against an opponent that dissed her previous gunpla, an RX80PR Pale Rider, and from that point, she retreated into a delusion of being a skilled long-range combatant.    Would her time at the academy break this shell?
Mobile Suit
RX-80BR Black Rider   RGM-79 [G] GM Ground Type   GNY-004A Hades   GunEZ Astra Type (Unbuilt)   House
Azure Dragon

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