Az Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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A mysterious girl who goes only by "Az", she is someone who is hard to figure out at first glance.   Although she is shy and does not usually approach others at first, others do manage to approach her because of her peculiar appearance. Her flashy clothes and hair contrast her more reserved personality, but she does not avoid conversation when it comes to her. Despite her small build, she can actually eat way more than people think she would eat, which is a result of eating large amounts of food together with her family. Alongside this, she has a sweet tooth and jumps at the opportunity to satisfy it. She is not exactly new to Gunpla Battle and has battled before in high-intensity matches, though she finds the fascination with "toys" confusing and is relatively new to Gundam as a franchise. Despite her young looks, she is 17, around the same age as some of the other students.   She has traveled to Prague alone for one reason, to find someone she has been searching for, and she won't stop until she finds them.
Mobile Suit

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