Caledonia "Carly" O'Donnell Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Caledonia "Carly" O'Donnell

A native to Philly, Carly is as deranged as any other Philly sports fan.    Besides Gunpla battle, she's a huge Eagles fan. She'd tried football back in school, but she never had the finesse needed to throw it straight. A blessing in disguise, since she wouldn't be subject to guaranteed brain damage. She's attempted to form a group to improve the working conditions of athletes in New England, though as of writing it's only amounted to a chatroom filled with the anguish of Philly sports fans.   Her aim with Gunpla Battle? To achieve the spectacular wins of any Philly sports team... without the equally stupid losses suffered by each of them.
Mobile Suit
Gundam Watkins   House
Azure Dragon   Age

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