Casey Jones Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Casey Jones

Casey Jones

A relative newcomer to Gunpla battle he had a light interest in the subject back in the days of Plavsky particles but the damage to his kits kept him at arm's length. After a few years, he as an engineering student hears of El-Divers and is picked for a research project by his university, one that he pursues to an obsessive degree shutting out all other things and comes off more robotic than the El-Divers he’s researching.   A more practical and down to earth man, his staunch professionalism and politeness can make him seem cold to those who do business with him, however, he takes joy and satisfaction when his plans come to fruition. All of this is colored by his self-awareness of his own inexperience when compared to other Divers.
Owned Vehicles
First Appearance
The GBN Autumn Festival

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