Celina Liu-Benz Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Celina Liu-Benz

A cheerful and amicable if endlessly teasing person at social occasions, her fury is still explosive if tested, for which she is attending anger management lessons. She was and is willing to stand and fight for what she believes in with exceptional zeal, coming from a life-long engagement in politics, protest movements, and the military.    At heart, she still is a calculating pragmatist, perfectly able to rationalize her idiosyncratic ideals and actions to get to her goals, be they just a career advancement or getting at the fascists behind the police barricade. Eerily calm and collected when under fire or pressure, but has been disciplined for actions committed in the field. Learning of the Academy from some friends in the 4th. Rapid Deployment Brigade from her time as an FWDL in the 10. Panzer Division and after having completed her bachelor's at the Universität Mannheim, she decided to attend the Academy. She dreams of potentially getting hired by a company associated with one of her favorite hobbies, and not working a desk at KMPGs Prague offices as she is currently.    While having built a few Gunpla before attending, she is only just getting familiar with customization, and her experiences and training from the Heer sometimes impede her fighting ability, considering that one normally doesn’t encounter sword-wielding foes nowadays outside of GBN.
Mobile Suit
MS-05L Zaku I Sniper Type [Yonem Kirks]   House
Azure Dragon   Age

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