Eliza Sparrow Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Eliza Sparrow

Eliza Sparrow

A young girl aiming to approach the life that her older sister once dove deep into.   Eliza is short-tempered and irritable. In combat, she is fierce and assaults without mercy. Out of combat, she suffers from feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.   Eliza is quite the opposite of her older sister. A complete newbie to Gundam and Gunpla, she seeks to find Alicia following her disappearance. As Alicia never contacted her, she feels great resentment towards her sibling. Eliza also struggles with severe anger issues that have caused her significant social problems in the past. Her fighting style is aggressive and brutal. She is easily led by kindness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eliza is short, with naturally blonde/brown hair. Her face appears somewhat glum, with thick eyebrows. In GBN, she wears a black and white striped top and has white hair. She also possesses a golden strip across the bridge of her nose.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eliza has lived a relatively normal life. The only integer remains her sister, who is still missing. Alicia's decision to leave her family left Eliza without a sister figure, and Eliza grew resentful following this.


Contacts & Relations

Alicia Sparrow

Eliza's older sister and the former co-conspirator of Neo Nemesis. After the events of the Limiter battle, Alicia disappeared from both the public eye and those in her private life. She hasn't been seen by her sister or those close to her in 10 years.
152 cm
Owned Vehicles
First Appearance
At the Mission Counter in Hub City…

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