Erika Eisenberg Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Erika Eisenberg

Born in Hamburg, Germany to a military family Erika’s parents pushed her studies.    Though hard on her in school they let her push her hobbies on the condition that her grades weren’t affected. Finding Gundam on the internet one day, she ended up rather interested and started purchasing model kits to build. Upon finding Gunpla Battle she began frequenting her local hobby store and playing with straight-built units, slowly growing her skill set as she fought. Learning military tactics from her father, and becoming extremely interested in them herself, she began applying them in her battles with positive results. Learning various building techniques from the hobby stores other locals Erika soon came across the Gundam Heavyarms of Gundam Wing. With it fitting her fighting style she began customizing the unit. With each failure, she customized and battle-tested further. One day after finishing the build on the current version of her suit she received an acceptance letter from Gunpla Academy, slightly confused Erika spoke with her parents about it and was allowed to attend the school.    Packing up her model building supplies and her latest build she headed off.
Mobile Suit
Gundam Heavyarms Hagelschauer XIII   House

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