Ezekiel McDaniel Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Ezekiel McDaniel

Ezekiel McDaniel (a.k.a. Demon)

Leader of the Starlight Division. Ezekiel is a Veteran Fighter. He's been battling professionally since his twenties. During his spare time when he's not spending it with his family, he's helping new players as a Navigator, showing them the ropes and discovering the fun and the vastness of the Nexus.   Ezekiel, to most, is a very professional, friendly, righteous yet very relaxed person. He's a calm and collected individual who, despite being a top tier professional Gunpla Battler, is modest and patient, especially with newer people just joining the hobby. To others, Ezekiel is a bit of a goofball. More willing to have fun and joke around with those he's close to.   In battle, Ezekiel is courageous determined, and fierce. His morals tend to make him shy away from underhanded tactics that most would consider being more viable. In essence, Ezekiel will meet you, hand to hand, and toe to toe, showing his confidence in his abilities as a world-class fighter and very much living up to his nickname Demon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ezekiel is an orphan that was adopted into a family of strong battlers with a tradition of attending the prestigious Gunpla Academy in London. With the ability to see Plavsky Particles he quickly rose to the top, making him a strong contender for a position close to the next Meijin. However, he left it all behind early to travel the world and train with the very battlers of the time to reinvigorate his love for the hobby. Eventually, he joined International Gunpla Referees where he and like-minded individuals would bring down the likes of Neo-Nemesis and even save his future wife, Kiyomi, from Flana which has haunted him since his escape as a child.   Since then, Ezekiel has remained an active part of the community. Helping others join the hobby and teaching them how to make their imagination come to life in a gunpla. This and his experience as an International Gunpla Referee made him a prime choice for a Navigator role and a moderator roll inside the Nexus. Despite this, Ezekiel still is a battler at heart. He's participated in five of the six World Tournament tournaments, only missing one due to his daughter being born.   Outside of the Nexus Ezekiel is very much a family man. He supports his wife with the Akita Family Martial Arts Dojo she and her family-run. And he never misses an opportunity to spend time with her and their daughter.


Contacts & Relations

Kiyomi "Lufia" Akita

Ezekiel met his future wife during their brief time at the Gunpla Academy. There the two, through some heartfelt conversations, grew close and even began dating before she was taken away by her father who didn't want his daughter to be with "some random kid". That gave him inspiration, driving him to leave and better himself. Three years later the two would once again meet as he battled his way through the gauntlet that was Kiyomi's family. Defeating her father and earning him the right to date her and eventually start a family.  

Alex King

Alex is one of Ezekiel's closest friends and rivals. The two both attended the Gunpla Academy and fought many fierce battles against each other. Together with Alex, the two fought many important battles that shook the world as they knew it. The two grew together, one never falling behind the other until they were both World Class battlers. When the two butt heads you can be sure there will be an audience.
192 cm
Owned Vehicles
Starlight Division   First Appearance
At the Mission Counter in Hub City...

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