Freyja Lindberg Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Freyja Lindberg

A somewhat enigmatic and secretive person, Freyja is a new student at the gunpla academy, with no known prior history.    Freyja is a Student of the Undefeated of the East in heart and action and follows the words of Master Asia, the Undefeated of the East as if they were the words of god. Freyja is a strong believer in straightforward combat and skillful fighting above all else, she has a disdain for weapons and an overreliance on them and dislikes El-divers due to her Master and the existence of the Devil Gundam. Seemingly learned in the art of brawling on the street, Freyja is a self-taught martial artist and claims all her skill from the School of the Undefeated of the East. She considers herself to be a mobile fighter as opposed to a pilot, even being known to wear a trace suit when she does battle with her mobile suit, and following the rules of gunpla battle as best as she can. While she is generally shy, her overwhelming energy and biases often overtake her, as does her battle lust, making her seem energetic and outgoing.    Her faux happy-go-lucky nature and lack of renown despite her skill seem to belie some kind of important past.
Mobile Suit
GF0-0SW Galaxy Gundam
Sazabi (Straight Build)   House
White Tiger    Age
17   Nationality

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