Greer Barstow Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Greer Barstow

A bookworm more at home in a library or reading manuals than on the battlefield, he was raised in a lower-middle-class American family and currently attends school virtually.    His conflict-avoidance extends into GBN and Gunpla battles where he much prefers taking an enemy by surprise after studying them rather than running directly at them guns blazing. He lives up to his name’s meaning by studying his opponent. However, this can often leave him trapped in analysis paralysis even on the battlefield.    He currently uses a hand-me-down GM Sniper II that has seen better days but hopes to finish his own custom Gunpla before school’s end.
Mobile Suit
RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
Guard Recon Frame (In Progress)   House
Black Tortoise

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