Joshua Sinclair Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Joshua Sinclair

Joshua went from visiting his local arcade to participate in regular streamed fighting game events, to battling for said arcade's gunpla battle team.    While a modest (if lacking) builder, he's a tested battler with a penchant for reading his opponents as he fights, then going all-in. Especially when high stakes are involved, which is how he came to win a scholarship to the Prague Academy in what was the strangest money match he ever agreed to. He can come off as disinterested and mercenary; But, he's a fairly honest person, who keeps his word when he gives it.    He plans to use his time at the Academy to shore up his skills as a builder, before gunning straight for the big leagues of gunpla battle.
Mobile Suit
Gundam Maxter (Straight Build)
  GN Archer (Straight Build)
  Vermillion Phoenix    Age
  19   Nationality

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