Junichi Kanzaki Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Junichi Kanzaki

If there was anyone who embodied the spirit of the original Vermillion Phoenix's members, it would be Junichi Kanzaki.   Kanzaki is utterly obsessed with Phoenix's "glory days" while they were the top house, and wishes to restore that former glory by proving that only they produce the strongest builders and fighters. Under the guidance of the 2nd Meijin's ideology, Kanzaki's intensity and passion for Gunpla will trample even his fellow house members underfoot. A fighter who was bred on the streets, Kanzaki's gunpla battles were fights for survival, and with no damage level presets nor anyone around stopping the bigger kids from stealing parts from each other when they lost a battle, his desire for strength was a necessity born out of a need to survive.   Unlike his fellow students, who won their scholarships through winning tournaments and the like, a younger Junichi defeated his local champion soundly, catching the eye of Sage Rigby, who offered him a place in the academy.
Mobile Suit
D.E.E.D.-181 Gundam Orkanen   House
Vermillion Phoenix

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