Laura Schmidt Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Laura Schmidt

Laura had been a fan of anime since she was about 7, but quickly realized she didn’t much care for more fantastical shows like Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, or even Naruto. Through random chance, she had discovered the existence of a long-running series of anime called Mobile Suit Gundam. She had heard that the show was fairly realistic in its portrayal of conflict, and that intrigued her. She had managed to find a way to watch 08th MS Team and loved it. She even wanted to buy merchandise for the show. When she went to find a figure, however, she couldn’t help but notice something called “gunpla.” They were figures, but you built them. And not only did you build them, but you could make them fight, just like in the show! She decided then and there to pick up a gunpla instead of a figure, and her love for both Gundam and gunpla was history.
Mobile Suit
MS-07 E Gouf Usability Test Type
MS-07 Gouf Custom (Artillery Use)   House
Vermillion Phoenix    Age

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