Med Bowman Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Med Bowman

As someone who has little confidence in their skills, and far too much going on in their head for their self-proclaimed skill level, Med is absolutely clueless about how they were scouted for such a prestigious academy.    As they haven’t left the country before, practically everything is a new experience for them. Despite having built multiple customs, none of them felt adequate for their tastes. While not a stranger to gunpla battles or GBN, they still see themselves as a beginner when it comes to proper battles.    If there were any opportunity to master their skills, and prove themselves in the gunpla world, and more importantly to themselves, this would be the time.
Mobile Suit
Efreet Bulwark
Loading Astray   House
White Tiger    Age
22   Nationality

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