Rui Kuruma Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Rui Kuruma

A wanderer who randomly appeared on campus ground dragging along a towering convoy of cardboard boxes, most of them model kits.    While they seem to use the campus grounds as more of a hideout than a school and don't seem to care too much about classes or fighting, Rui is content to take apart and put together model kits into their growing backlog of forgotten customs, talk unwitting victims to sleep with their knowledge of fictional shows, and misplay horribly with their modest collection of cards.    There's a strong passion that Rui keeps restrained with an embittered chill.
Mobile Suit
Gundam Sol   ASW-G-02 Gundam Agares   LRX-077 Cyquiede Gunlance   XXXG-0Σ Wing Gundam Exceed   House
Black Tortoise

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