Shirou Himuro Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Shirou Himuro

Shirou Himuro is a calm and straightforward person with the aura of a no-nonsense intellectual type. and cheap.    He's easily annoyed but good at hiding it. He is passionate but it's covered up by everything else he has to pile on top to make himself look good and normal to others. Even so, he tries to push the line forward of what he considers to be his best at whatever task is set up for him, no matter what it is. If too high expenses aren't involved of course. A person from a poor family, Shirou's entire life has been dictated by how much money his family had. Money to live, money to eat, money to survive. This type of life has molded him into the person he is. A person that doesn't want anyone to know about his life. Constrained under money his whole life, Shirou grew up dispassionately with little interest in anything outside the little pocket change he was able to keep. From the very first moment he was able to work to get money, he did. He threw himself at his studies in order to become a person who would one day never have to worry about money again. His family was quite shocked when he came home one day ranting about robot model kits and what you can do with them despite them being so inexpensive.   He was shocked when this led him down a new path in life that had a recent step in it where he won a tournament and got admission to the gunpla Academy, not to mention a free trip to get there. Now with nothing but the clothes in his suitcase and his gunpla in hand, a new adventure awaits him!
Mobile Suit
Jesta (Straight Build)   House
Vermillion Phoenix    Age
17   Nationality

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