Triana Atropos Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Triana Atropos

From a young age, Triana was deeply fascinated with robotics, making her love of fun little robots a central pillar of her life.    Finding her love of Gundam and gunpla in her teens, a fire was lit in her, driving her to gunpla battle. This led her to the academy, having put her entire being into getting accepted. Likely getting in on sheer drive and willpower over her skill. She's a novice in terms of gunpla construction and only slightly more skilled in battle (thanks to a minor GBN obsession when she was younger). On the battlefield, her competitive nature begins to show, and as long as her suit is still functioning, Triana will fight.    Insecurity in these skills drives her, perhaps to a point of spite. She may not have the flashy building prowess or brilliant tactics, but she WILL fight to prove she deserves her place.
Mobile Suit
RGN-096X Jetana Barrage
Gundam Harute (Straight Built)   House
Vermillion Phoenix   Age
19   Nationality

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