Vedreg Castillo Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Vedreg Castillo

He was born to a supportive family, or rather one who only praises him when he succeeds to their standards.    Didn’t do very well in school, especially once middle school rolled around. Things did turn around for him in high school with Gunpla Duel. He’d admit it- he’s not a great pilot. But something about models just clicks for him unlike anything else. He worked in the background, building and maintaining suits for other folks. It raked him in enough cash to build his own customs. It was enough to get him a scholarship to the Academy.    He doubts he can keep up, but his accomplishments so far are enough to keep the worst anxieties at bay.
Mobile Suit
Tieren (Straight Built)
Bradley Loto Infantry Combat Suit   House
Azure Dragon    Age
21   Nationality

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