ZN-001 Gundam Z-Rush Vehicle in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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ZN-001 Gundam Z-Rush

Power Generation

  • Modular GN Drive
  • internal mini GN Drive (base unit, ExZcalibur, BlaZter)
  • Dual GN thrusters (transform pack equipped)
  • Ace Booster, leg-mounted GN thrusters (High-Mobility packs)
  • Dual GN Drives (Arc Raiser equipped)


  • Elbow-mounted GN thrusters
  • Underfoot thrusters
  • Back-mounted Modular GN Drive (base unit, ExZcalibur, BlaZter)
  • Dual GN thrusters (transform pack equipped)
  • Ace Booster
  • Leg-mounted GN thrusters (High-Mobility packs)
  • Dual GN Drives (Arc Raiser equipped)

Weapons & Armament

Base unit:  
  • ZN Super Vulcan
  • ZN Variable Beam Sabers x4
  • ZN Energy Field
Transformation pack (adds onto base unit):  
  • ZN Sword-Rifles x2
  • ZN Buster Cannon x2
  • ZN Railgun x2
  ExZcalibur packs (adds onto base unit):  
  • Z-Saber
  • Z-Shield
  BlaZter packs (adds onto base unit):  
  • Changeling Rifle Mk2
  • Z-Scattergun
  Arc Raiser (adds onto base unit):  
  • ZN Sword III

Armor and defense

  • E-Carbon
  • ZN energy field

Communication Tools & Systems

  • Standard issue communications systems


  • Front and rear-mounted head cameras

Additional & auxiliary systems

  • Trans-Am
  • Trans-Am Blue Phase

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19.1m (base unit)
55.4 t (base unit)
Complement / Crew
Pilot Only
Material Gunpla
  • GN-007 Arios Gundam
  • GN-011Z Gundam Zerachiel

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