1st lvl Air Spell: Air Push

This spell is one of the few spells an air mage would see as a necessary need to know spell within their own knowledge of air magic as it has many kinds of uses.


To create a strong gust of wind with your mind, guiding it with your hand to knock back the target(s). Lvl. 1-4 knock back the target(s) up to 20ft, 2d6+Class Lvl.+Str. and Cha. skill bonus. Lvl. 5-8 knock back the target(s) up to 40ft, 4d6+Class Lvl.+Str. and Cha. skill bonus. Lvl. 9-12 knock back the target(s) up to 60ft, 6d6+Class Lvl.+Str. and Cha. skill bonus. Lvl. 13-16 knock back the target(s) up to 80ft, 8d8+Class Lvl.+Str. and Cha. skill bonus. Str. and Cha. DC=20, Lvl. 5-8 DC=18, Lvl. 9-12 DC=16, Lvl. 14-16 DC=14.

Side/Secondary Effects

This spell would leave no side effects except for some pressure in the elbows and also if the user were to harm themself somehow with this spell then they would have a broken bone or two depending on where they hurt themselves.


a small to large blast of wind.


this spell is not necessarily learned with a spell book but can be taught by an Air mage.
Material Components
Air, obviously
Gestures & Ritual
reciting the spell's name with lots of concentration.
Related Discipline
Air Magic
Related School
School of Air magic
Related Element
at least lvl 1 in air magic.
Applied Restriction
this spell if weak enough won't send you to jail but may have to pay for property damages.


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