1st lvl Ice Spell: Freezing Touch

This Spell is only taught to those who are willing and devout to ice magic as this spell alone could be dangerous to the user.


Able to freeze things with only a simple touch. (DC=Wis.) lvl 1-4 dc of 18, lvl 5-8 dc 16, 9-12 dc of 14, 13-16 dc of 14. lvl 1-4 2d2 damage, lvl 5-8 4d4 damage, lvl 9-12 8d8 damage, lvl 13-16 12d12 damage. if crit, then can freeze targets that are under 50% or less health (rounded up).

Side/Secondary Effects

The user's hand may be very cold, to near freezing and or possibly numb.


the object that is touched may become entirely frozen, and easily breakable like weak glass.


A spell book or power from within.
Material Components
spell books or power from within.
Gestures & Ritual
reciting the spell's name from a spell book while touching an object, person or other thing.
Related Discipline
Ice magic
Related School
School of Ice magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
Equal to con. skill bonus, round(s)
at least lvl 1 in Ice magic
Applied Restriction
do to it's lack of population of user's, this spell does not really have much laws but may still be in trouble from the locals if used in a harmful manner.


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