1st lvl Life Spell: Healing Touch

Bring forth healing to your dying comrades and win the day against evil...


To heal the target(s) of any health they lost. Con. & Wis. DC=Target's Con. skill. Separate DC for multiple targets. Lvl. 1-4 heal target equal to their HD, Lvl. 5-8 heal target equal to their HD+Con. skill bonus, Lvl. 9-12 Heal target equal to their HD+Con. skill bonus+user's con. skill bonus, Lvl. 13-16 heal target equal to 2xHD+Con. skill bonus+ Caster's HD+ User's Con. skill bonus.

Side/Secondary Effects

A sense of energy, rush, dopamine.


Spell book or power from within.
Gestures & Ritual
The user's hand would hover, barely touching the target's wounded or broken area and heal it slowly moving their hand across the wound like a rag wiping a table.
Related Discipline
Life Magic
Related School
School of Life Magic
Related Element
At least 1lvl in life magic.


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