1st lvl Lightning spell: Sparks

This spell will give quite a shock to whoever it hits....


able to shoot out a spark of electricity from the fingertips of the user and may also paralyze the target(s). Dex. & Wis. DC=18+2 for each target, 2d8 Damage, if crit then it will also paralyze the target(s). lvl 5-8 4d8+Dex. Skill Bonus Damage. lvl 9-12 6d8+Dex. & Wis. skill bonus Damage. lvl 13-16 8d8+Dex. & Wis. & Con. skill bonus Damage.

Side/Secondary Effects

Will leave novice and intermediate users hands and arms completely numb after use for a couple days.


From a lightning spell book or power from within.
Material Components
Spell book.
Gestures & Ritual
the user will lift their dominant hand towards their target(s) and recite the spell's name. mainly aiming their fingertips  in the direction they want to fire their spells.
Related Discipline
Lightning Magic
Related School
School of lightning Magic
Related Element
within a 10ft+Dex.skill bonus diameter.
at least 1lvl in lightning magic


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