1st lvl nature spell: Speak with nature

This spell can be very useful for those lost in the wilderness or alone or even to receive other forms of help for those of nature.


The user can speak with animals. Int. & Wis. DC= Target's AC -3 for every size smaller than M and +3 for every size bigger than M.


when the targeted animal speaks back to the user, it will in the primary language in a telepathic form. you can still hear the normal sound an animal makes.


A nature spell book or power from within.
Material Components
An Animal to speak with.
Gestures & Ritual
After saying the spell's name, the user would then lock eyes with the animal and speak normally while focusing into the animals mind.
Related Discipline
Nature Magic
Related School
School of nature magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
lasts until the user is done speaking with the animal or when disturbed
within arms length
at least 1 lvl in nature magic.
Applied Restriction
this spell is not considered dangerous enough to be put in jail or fined but if used in an unlawful manner then the user will be punished.


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