2nd lvl Death Spell: Soul steal

Your soul is mine.... Shane Singed wins...


Steal the souls of those you have slain giving you power... Wis. DC=25. Stealing a soul gives the user 1+Con. skill bonus, skill point(s) or 1+Wis. skill bonus, and extra spells other than Soul Steal.

Side/Secondary Effects

You feel a rush of energy like one who drank coffee or a cold breeze within your body.


When stealing a soul, the soul appears as if ripped or pulled out of the body and consumed into the mage who used this spell. depending on the person or being, the soul could smell clean and innocent or like garbage with the sins of their life.


from a spell book, or from the power within.
Gestures & Ritual
When the target is low enough in hp, around 15% of their hp, the user says the name of the spell and the user then grabs onto the chest or forehead area of their target and grab the soul itself out of the body.
Related Discipline
Death Magic
Related School
School of Death Magic
Related Element
At least 4 lvls in death magic.
Applied Restriction
All forms of death magic are punishable by death.


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