2nd lvl Ice Spell: Ice Beam

I'm thirsty, Just getting drink, I know, I know... FREEZE....


Shooting a beam of ice that will freeze targets. DC equal to targets A.C, uses your Wis. and Con. skill bonus. lvl 4-8 dmg 6d6+ Wis. & Con. skill bonus, lvl 9-12 dmg 8d8+ Wis. & Con. skill bonus, lvl 13-16 dmg 10d10+ Wis. & Con. skill bonus.

Side/Secondary Effects

The beam is reflected off of some materials like glass or rock and may hit the user freezing themselves.
Gestures & Ritual
the user recites the spell's name and aims there hand toward the target(s).
Related Discipline
Ice Magic
Related School
School of Ice Magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
the target(s) are frozen up to 4-8 rounds.
up to 40ft
at least 4 lvl's in ice magic


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