2nd lvl Lightning Spell: Lightning Bolt

The most famous Lightning spell, named after the school of Lightning Magic and the natural weather phenomenon.


Able to throw a bolt of lightning at a target. Dex. & Wis. DC=20. Lvl 4-8 1d10+Dex. skill bonus, lvl 9-12 2d10+Dex. & Wis. skill bonus, lvl 13-16 4d20+Dex. & Wis. Skill Bonus and targets that are within 5ft to original target will have an arc of lightning dealing 3/4  damage to them and continues to travel to targets that are within 5ft of them dealing 1/2 damage and then targets after them are dealt 1/4 damage.


A motherfu**ing Lightning Bolt coming out the fingertips of the caster, looking like a motherfu**ing bada**.


A Spell book or from the power within.
Gestures & Ritual
After reciting the spell's name the user then readies their hand as if they were throwing a spear and when the bolt of lightning is within their hand, they can then toss it towards the target, or they can fire it from their fingertips.
Related Discipline
Lightning Magic
Related School
School of lightning Magic
Related Element
Effect Casting Time
1 round, or essentially 5 seconds.
At least 4 lvl's in lightning magic


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