2nd lvl Lightning Spell: Polarity


Able to create a bed of electricity which if entered will paralyze and float the trespasser in the air. DC=20+5 for every 2ft in diameter, starting with a 50ft diameter. Lvl. 4-8 2d6+Dex. Skill bonus Damage, Lvl. 9-12 4d6+Dex. Skill bonus Damage, Lvl. 13-16 6d6+Dex. & Con. SKill bonus.

Side/Secondary Effects

Paralyzes those who enter the field, with a Dex. DC of 25+5 for every size smaller than medium and -5 for every size bigger than medium. and if in desired ground (such as short bodies of water like a puddle or in a metal room, then all damage dealt by this spell is x4).


A Spell Book, or from the power from within.
Material Components
any ground that is not anti-conductive.
Gestures & Ritual
After reciting the spell's name, the user would then touch the ground and then let go once the field is large enough for the user.
Related Discipline
Lightning Magic
Related School
School of Lightning Magic
Related Element
at least 4 lvl's in lightning magic


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