2nd lvl Water Spell: Water Form


Able to become water for a brief moment. Wis. & Con. DC=18+1 for every 3 seconds the user wants the spell to be active for.

Side/Secondary Effects

The user's hearing will cease and they can't taste or smell but can still see in every direction all at once.


Smells like the ocean.


From a spell book or from the power within.
Material Components
Water, Spell book or power from within.
Gestures & Ritual
After reciting the spells name, they'll immediately become like a water golem (Except smaller) and anything they wear holding (Like paper) will become wet and dropped. clothes also will fall off and any equipment they were carry also drops.
Related Discipline
Water Magic
Related School
School of Water Magic
Related Element
at least 4 lvl's in water magic


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