3rd lvl Air Spell: Expanding Air


To expand the atoms in oxygen to essentially make more air.   Wis. & Dex. DC=18+1 for every hour's worth of air or -1hp for every two hour's worth of air.

Side/Secondary Effects

If not careful, the caster could cause themselves to be unconscious from lack of air, because of blowing out air from themselves. also the air may stink depending on the caster(no explanation needed).


a strong gust of wind coming out of the mouth of the caster.


from a spell book, or from power within one's own soul.
Material Components
at least a breath's worth of air.
Gestures & Ritual
after reciting the spell, simply blow or give out a great exhale to create air.
Related Discipline
Air Magic
Related School
School of Air Magic
Related Element
At least 8 lvl's in Air Magic


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