3rd lvl Air Spell: Screech blast


Make high pitch screeches that can push back and deafen targets. DC=18. 4d4+Cha. skill bonus penetrating (Ignore AC)damage, knockback up to 10ft in a 10ft+Cha. skill bonus cone. Lvl. 9-10 DC=16, 6d4+Cha. skill bonus Penetrating damage, knockback up to 15ft, Lvl. 11-12 8d4+Cha. Skill bonus Penetrating damage, knockback up to 20ft, Lvl. 13-14 8d8+Cha. skill bonus penetrating damage, knockback up to 25ft, Lvl. 15-16 DC=14, 10d8+Cha. skill bonus penetrating damage, knockback up to 30ft.

Side/Secondary Effects

This also affects the user's sense of hearing unless they wear proper equipment.


it smells like the breath of the user, and can feel huge humming vibrations across one's body that is affected by this spell.


power from within, or from a spell book.
Material Components
Air, breath more specifically.
Gestures & Ritual
After casting the spell, whenever the user yells, it will instead be a sonic screech.
Related Discipline
Air Magic
Related School
School of Air magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
It lasts up to 1+User's Cha. skill bonus hours after casting.
the sound is within a 10ft radius from lvl 8-12 and a 20ft radius from lvl 13-16.
At least 8 lvl's in Air magic and 18 skill points in Charisma.


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