3rd lvl Death Spell: Raise Dead


Allows the user to raise the dead, as zombies or as skeletons. However they can not perform any actions unless verbally commanded by their master.   Wis. DC=15+1 for every Lvl. the target was in life. Lvl. 11-13 DC=13, Lvl.14-16 DC=11.   HP equal to 1/4 of caster's HP rounded up. But if Lvl. 16, then the undead will have 3/4 of caster's HP rounded up. If user becomes Lvl. 14 then they can now cast this spell once to raise all dead they can see within a 80m radius. DC=11+1 for every target after the first and +1 for every additional 15m.

Side/Secondary Effects

The smell of rotten flesh and the stench of death will surely make the weak stomachs vomit for sure...   however to raise the dead requires a piece of a soul maybe even one's own soul. Dealing 3/4 of your HP.


Smell of rotten flesh and disease.


From the power within, or from a spell book.
Material Components
the remains of a person whether it be rotten or just bones. But it has to have at least a head or else the spell won't work.
Gestures & Ritual
After reciting the spell's name if used with a spell book, then the user aims their palm towards their target and release a piece of their soul or one from their "Soul Steal" spell and shortly after the dead shall rise...
Related Discipline
Death Magic
Related School
School of Death Magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
This spell does not end even when the caster is dead.
up to 10ft
at least 8 lvl's in death magic
Applied Restriction
All forms of death magic are punishable by death.


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