3rd lvl Earth spell: Golem


create a golem made of non-living natural material. there HP,AC depends on the material they are made of: Dirt=20HP & 15 AC Wood=30HP & 20AC Stone=40HP & 25AC Metal=60HP & 30 AC Crystal/Gem=75HP & 25AC   Golems are mindless and await commands from their caster's and when they are given a command they will (in a "direct" manner) accomplish their command and will continue the command until they are stopped by their caster.


From a spell book, or from power within one's own soul.
Material Components
any non-living natural material.
Gestures & Ritual
after reciting the spell's name, simply touch the material you want to make a golem out of and it will automatically shape itself and await your command.
Related Discipline
Earth Magic
Related School
School of Earth Magic
Related Element
At least 8 lvl's in earth magic


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