3rd lvl Earth Spell: Mole Dive


Able to sink into the ground and dig through leaving a tunnel behind, like a mole... but also not just dirt; but also metal, sand, stone and wood... Str., Con. & Wis. DC= 18+3 for every other 10ft traveled underground

Side/Secondary Effects

very cramped hands from long periods of time digging.


the user's hand will feel very strong and can carve into the ground as a shovel, or pickaxe and dig into the earth.


Power from within, or from a spell book.
Material Components
natural ground or metal (EX: bunkers, ships, or prisons).
Gestures & Ritual
After casting the spell, the user's hands and forearms will begin to harden and become stronger than metal allowing the user to dig/cut through non-living natural materials.
Related Discipline
Earth Magic
Related School
School of Earth Magic
Related Element
At least 8 lvl's in earth magic


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