3rd lvl Fire Spell: Dragon's Breath



Able to breath fire from the user's mouth. Cha.+Wis. DC 25 lvl 8-10 dmg 4d4+4 and dealing 4 fire damage every round, Lvl. 11-12 dmg 8d8+8 and dealing 8 fire damage every round, Lvl. 13-14 dmg 10d10+10 and dealing 10 fire damage every round, Lvl. 15-16 dmg 12d12+12 and dealing 12 fire damage every round. Range= 10ft cone, Lvl. 11-12 12ft cone, Lvl. 14-16 16ft cone and DC+2 for every additional 2ft. up to 30ft.

Side/Secondary Effects

User's mouth will taste burnt and like ash. flame that is dealt from this spell can't be put out by normal means, and would require magic to put it out or suffocate the flame.


from the power within, or from a spell book.
Gestures & Ritual
After casting the spell, the user will begin to breath fire every time they open their mouths.
Related Discipline
Fire Magic
Related School
School of Fire Magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
The user will breath fire up to 10+User's Cha. skill bonus minutes.
lvl 8-10 10ft cone, lvl 11-12 15ft cone, 13-14 20ft cone, 15-16 25ft cone.
At least 8 lvl's in Fire Magic


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